Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 4

Good morning sunshine! I'm in a great mood today! The pain finally subsided after my wisdom tooth extraction (thanks for the salt water). I'm also a bit hungry, too, which isn't a surprise, yesterday I hardly was able to finish my juices.

I'm very proud of myself that I'm not addicted to the scale. I tend to weight myself daily during diets, but since I'm not dieting this time, but cleansing my body, I don't have the urge to step on the scale. I just know that the weight will fall off and I'll be at least 70 lbs lighter at the end of this journey. That's really good, finally I'm getting rid of my scale obsession!

As a compulsive over eater it's liberating to take a break of the constant thinking of  "what I'm gonna eat, when I'm gonna eat, how much weight I'm gonna gain". It's a vicious cycle, and it's utterly good that I don't have to worry about it. I finally letting things go. In the next 3 + months I'm safe. :)

Did I mention yet how much I enjoy skin brushing? Well, not actually the brushing itself, it can a bit painful, but the after feeling, the tingling sensation of my skin. Actually brushing my back feels great, it takes care of the spots I never could scratch well. Thinking of smooth, tight, radiant skin inspires me to this 5-10 minutes routine every morning.

I didn't exercise yesterday (for obvious reasons) and I can't wait to do Callanetics tonight. That's the fastest working exercise I've ever done. By December I'll have a tight, strong body! Yay! I'm planning to do some runing again, I just wish the weather would improve finally. It's 95 degrees on the last day of August! It's crazy. I'm really looking forward to autumn.

I've read it somewhere that it's great to write down every day a few things that you're grateful for or little things that made your day. Here is one: this morning at the bank the teller wrote  by hand "Happy Tuesday" on my receipt. That put an even bigger smile on my face! Isn't it nice? :) :) :)

Well, happy Tuesday!

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